Medical Dictionary

Lambert–Eaton syndrome

noun Lam·bert–Ea·ton syndrome \ˈlam-bərt-ˈēt-ən-\

Medical Definition of LAMBERT-EATON SYNDROME

:  an autoimmune disorder that is caused by impaired presynaptic release of acetylcholine at nerve synapses, that resembles myasthenia gravis, that is characterized by progressive weakness especially of the limbs, and that is often associated with a malignant condition (as small-cell lung cancer)—called also Eaton-Lambert syndrome, Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome

Biographical Note for LAMBERT-EATON SYNDROME

Lambert, Edward Howard (born 1915), and Eaton, Lealdes McKendree (1905–1958), American physicians. Lambert and Eaton spent the bulk of their careers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. At the Mayo Medical School Lambert served for many years as professor of physiology and in later years also as professor of neurology. Eaton rose to the position of professor of neurology and head of the Clinic's neurologic section. Lambert's areas of research included neurophysiology, electromyography, and various human neuromuscular disorders. Eaton's own research topics included myasthenia gravis and polymyositis. Lambert and Eaton were the principal authors of a 1956 article describing the syndrome which now bears their names.


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